Discover Frigiliana
Here you will find some recommendations, photographs of the village and its surroundings, a map of distances to places, comments from travellers and a selection of villas and rural houses for rent in Frigiliana

Enrique Carrillo
Telf. 653 91 62 21
Frigiliana, the pearl of La Axarquía
Discover Frigiliana has more than 300 days of sunshine a year and mild temperatures all year round. The historical center is a picturesque place, with winding streets and a truly beautiful route. Nerja and its beaches are 6 km away.
Frigiliana, between the sea and the mountains
Although Frigiliana is a village with a 100% Mediterranean atmosphere, it is still a mountainous place, located in the Natural Park of the Sierra de Almijara, and 6 kilometres from Nerja and its beautiful coves, it has an exceptional and unique climate within Europe, with warm temperatures in winter, mild spring and hot summers.
There are villages in La Axarquía such as Frigiliana, Nerja and Torrox that are renowned for having the best climate in Europe. This is due to their unique location, which is produced by the thermal shock between the Mediterranean Sea and the Natural Park of the Sierra de Almijara, this produces a unique microclimate, presenting particularities of tropical climates, with the difference that here there is hardly any humidity.
Perched in the Natural Park
Magical and winding streets
Walking through the streets of Frigiliana can be a journey back in time, it still presents the architecture of the villages of Andalusia in the 60s, with very old buildings perfectly preserved, and with the mixture of cultures that have passed through here.
The network of winding streets is truly magical, a picturesque journey through narrow streets full of flowers, and explosions of colour on every corner, Andalusian patios that lead nowhere, but of great beauty, its aroma of jasmine is unmistakable, the whole route is full of coloured flowerpots with overflowing flowers of all kinds.
Restoration details
Discover Frigiliana, in each construction we find a detail, a forge, wood or ancient stone, legends, frames and doors painted in colours, traditional details that give it that natural look and for which it has received several beautification and restoration awards.
We have collected opinions from travellers, from websites specialising in tourism, the press and from travel guides

Distance to places of interest
Discover Frigiliana, for your organization we indicate the distances from Frigiliana to the nearest points of tourist interest, leisure and organization
Province of Malaga
- Nerja and beaches – 6 km / 15 min
- Malaga city – 50 km / 1 h
- Ronda – 90 km / 1:30 h
- Torrox Costa – 15 km / 25 min
- Marbella – 90 Km / 13 h
- Calas de Maro 15 km / 20 min
Tourist Interest
- Nerja and beaches – 6 km / 15 min
- Malaga city – 50 km / 1 h
- Ronda – 90 km / 1:30 h
- Torrox Costa – 15 km / 25 min
- Marbella – 90 Km / 13 h
- Calas de Maro 15 km / 20 min
- Malaga Airport – 1 h / 60 km
- Malaga Airport – 1:30 h / 110 Km
- Ingenio Shopping Centre – 35 m
- Velez Malaga Hospital – 35 min
- In Nerja there are Supermarkets, Banks, Pharmacy… – 15 min